Hemorrhoids’ are swollen veins of the rectum. There are external and internal hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids protrude as lumps around the rectum. If you have hemorrhoids and you are constipated, the disease will be very painful and you might strain to have a bowel movement. They always appear and disappear. The external hemorrhoids do not bleed; they become large, painful, and itchy. Internal hemorrhoids develop inside the anal sphincter and you cannot experience pain unless they protrude. it has no signs of bleeding. Incase you bleed; it is likely to be so extensive and constant and could lead to anemia.

Conservative healing of hemorrhoids includes measures to minimize constipation and straining, such as increasing fluid intake and using stool softeners. There are also tropical creams although they do not offer great healing to the hemorrhoids. You can prefer to use suppositories that shrink and anesthetize, like Anusol, since they provide relief for the large, protruding hemorrhoids, once they have been manually worked back into place. The warm sitz baths can also help someone in healing the hemorrhoids for relieving pain and itching.

If there are no changes with the conservative measures, injection sclerotherapy can be introduced. It involves injecting the hemorrhoid with a chemical that shrinks and scars the inside of the mass. That can be effective in stopping bleeding and help in healing. The sclerotherapy might fail in healing the hemorrhoids. The doctor can recommend banding, in which a little rubber band is put on the base of the hemorrhoid so as to strangle it. The hemorrhoid will die, and it will be sloughed off immediately.

When you want to heal vast hemorrhoids, you might require surgery so as the rectum gets opened, and some of the stretched tissues are removed. The surgeon ought to be alert and careful not to remove too much tissue and not to allow infection, or scarring and narrowing of the rectum may occur.

Constipation is a very major factor in the development of hemorrhoids. It is essential to follow a higher-fiber diet plan. Whole grains, fruits and vegetables, whether raw or cooked, should form the foundation of the diet. If you maintain that in your life, the hemorrhoid will heal and go away.

You have to try and drink at least six to eight ounces glasses of pure water daily. That cause straining contributes to the occurrence of hemorrhoids. Water helps flush toxins from the body and it is also essential to the formation of easily passed stool.

To reduce the discomfort of acute inflammation, take 500 milligrams of bromelain two to three times daily, as needed. That will help in the pain and heal the hemorrhoid together with the doctor’s instructions. The flaxseed and olive oils provide the much-needed lubrication and can help ease the pain associated with a bowel movement. Take one tablespoon of olive or flaxseed oil daily. Magnesium also reduces constipation and also improves liver and gallbladder function, which indirectly affects hemorrhoids. Take 350 milligrams of chelated magnesium twice daily. That prevention of constipation and improvement of liver function will heal the hemorrhoid and not increase a much severe problem.

Vitamin C and bioflavonoid have anti-inflammatory action, and they are necessary for the manufacture of collagen. They will help heal hemorrhoids and strengthen the tissue. You can take 500 milligrams of vitamin C with bioflavonoid two to three times daily. Vitamin E is also an active antioxidant that guards against free-radical damage. It boosts in speeding the healing process of hemorrhoids. Choose a product containing mixed tocopherols and start by taking 200 international units at bedtime, and then continue increasing the dosage until you are taking 400 international units daily.

You can adopt a good probiotic supplement containing acidophilus or bifidobacteria. These friendly bacteria are essential for a healthy intestinal tract. If you are allergic to milk, select a dairy-free formula. Most of these supplements, when taken well, will always play a significant role in healing hemorrhoids.

There are numerous herbal treatments that are recommended to help heal hemorrhoids. Before taking the treatments, you have to make sure that you consult and expert personnel to guide you in exactly what you are supposed to do. It might become a major problem if you prescribe the treatment all by yourself or with someone that has no experience.

There is the Butcher’s broom which gets used for varicose veins that are close relative of hemorrhoids. It is very effective in helping to resolve hemorrhoids. You can take 399 to 500 milligrams three times daily. The Carthamus and Persica is an herbal combination that has been mostly used in China for over 2000 years to help hemorrhoids heal more quickly. It is especially effective if you have abdominal swelling and discomfort accompanied by flatulence. Take 500 milligrams three times daily.

Obesity is a contributing factor to hemorrhoids. If you are overweight, try to reduce. You can adopt a sensible weight-loss program that includes regular exercise. Some people with very painful prolapsed hemorrhoids often find relief by sitting on a “doughnut”. That is a foam-rubber pillow with a hole in the middle that prevents hemorrhoids from being crushed when you sit down, which adds to the pain and reduces healing.

The best way to heal hemorrhoids is to make sure your intestinal tract is in good working order. A healthy low-fat, fiber-rich diet is your first line of defense against constipation, which is primarily the cause of hemorrhoids. Consistent regular exercise tones the whole body, including the intestinal tract. if you regularly exercise, you are less likely to be troubled by hemorrhoids than someone who does not. If you have hemorrhoids, it is not too late to still do some advisable and comfortable exercises every once a day. That will help you heal hemorrhoids.

Many ways of healing hemorrhoids are available for patients to use. But before taking any measure, you should first discuss with a physician to aid you with the best healing process that suits you. You might find that your body is allergic to some remedies, which is why you should seek help first.

Hemorrhoids are swollen but normally present blood vessels in and around the anus and lower rectum that stretch when pressure is exerted on them. The increased pressure and swelling may result from straining to move the bowel. Other contributing factors include when pregnant, heredity, old people, and constipation or even diarrhea.

Ways to shrink hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are very common in both men and women today. There is increased percentage of people who have hemorrhoids by the age of fifty. Hemorrhoids are also common among pregnant women. The unborn baby applies pressure in the lower part of the abdomen, and the rapid change in hormones, makes the hemorrhoids vessels to enlarge. These vessels are also placed under severe pressure when giving birth. In some women, hemorrhoids will go away after having the baby.

A thorough evaluation and proper diagnosis by a doctor are important any time bleeding from the rectum or blood in the stool lasts more than a couple of days. Bleeding may also be a symptom of other digestive diseases, including colorectal cancer. The doctor will examine the anus and rectum to look for swollen blood vessels that indicate hemorrhoids and will also perform a digital rectal exam with a gloved, lubricated finger to feel for abnormalities.

In most cases, surgery methods are the best way to shrink and destroy the hemorrhoidal tissue and are performed under anesthesia. The doctor will carry out the surgery during an office or hospital visit. A number of surgical methods may be used to remove or reduce the size of internal hemorrhoids. The rubber band litigation method is where a rubber band is placed around the base of the hemorrhoid inside the rectum. The band cuts off circulation, and the hemorrhoid withers away within a few days. The sclerotherapy surgery method also helps in shrinking hemorrhoids. A chemical solution is injected around the blood vessel to shrink the hemorrhoid.

When you have hemorrhoids, the first step you can take to shrink the hemorrhoids is to use ice and apply it on the swelling area. The swelling will shrink from something and relieve you from the pain associated with the hemorrhoids. The ice will immediately numb the area, and you will not feel like itching. You should not apply the ice directly to the hemorrhoids, but rather wrap the ice with a soft cloth.

Suppositories are given to shrink and lubricate hemorrhoids to prevent them from rupturing. You can use a clove of garlic as a suppository three times a week by making juice out of the garlic. You have to apply the liquid using a cotton ball around the hemorrhoid gently. If the hemorrhoid is internal, you will have to take the garlic clove and insert it. It is not hard to remove the garlic clove since it will naturally push itself out when you are taking a bath.

Hydrocortisone is very efficient at shrinking the hemorrhoids, although it is not advisable to use when you are pregnant. It will work slowly, but you will be able to see the result within a few days. It has some side effects such itching and changes in the skin color. The ointments and creams that contain the hydrocortisone are usually sold over the counter, and it will not be hard for you find them.

Warm sitz baths are especially beneficial when you want to shrink hemorrhoids. The bath can be taken daily using a powder that contains valuable minerals added to the bath water. The powder can be found in many health food stores. A natural remedy like the Witch Hazel and Aloe Vera can be used to shrink the hemorrhoids. The natural herbs have ingredients that make the swelling of the hemorrhoid shrink without using chemicals. It is not hard to find them in stores if you find trouble in using the actual plants.

When you take Epsom salt and add it to your bathtub, it will be useful in relieving the pain and the itching. When you make the tub and add the salt, sit there for twenty minutes before getting out of the tub. The treatment will be able to reduce the hemorrhoid inflammation and in a few days, you will see the hemorrhoid shrinking.

When you are constipated, you will have a problem when going to the toilet. It causes straining to the hemorrhoid and thus when you try to shrink the hemorrhoid; it will be hard. Try as much as possible to avoid constipation and take lots of fluids in your body. If the constipation is still persistent, you can also try to use other stool softener methods to help you reduce straining of the hemorrhoids.

You can also use the Two-Step Venapro Program in shrinking the hemorrhoid. Whether it is you or your client who is suffering from the disease. Venapro contains very active natural ingredients that quickly stop the bleeding, itching and pain when taken. It can be topically or orally taken to shrink the hemorrhoids. Venapro treatment program for shrinking hemorrhoids is one of the best and most efficient ways of shrinking hemorrhoids. Whether the hemorrhoid problem, you have is internal or external.

Doctors will always recommend increasing fiber and fluid intake in your diet. Eating the right amount of fiber and drinking six to eight glasses of fluid result in softer, bulkier stools. A softer stool makes emptying the bowels easier and lessens the pressure on hemorrhoids caused by straining. Eliminating straining also helps prevent the hemorrhoids from protruding and makes the shrinking process much easier and tolerable. The good sources of fiber are fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. In addition, doctors may suggest a bulk stool softener or fiber supplement such as psyllium.

It is important to use the best methods or remedies to shrink hemorrhoids before they become a major problem to handle. Most of the techniques are tested and tried by experienced personnel for anyone to use. The moment you have and you need to shrink hemorrhoids it is best to get advised on the best way to slow the hemorrhoids. Delaying the shrinking process by not using the remedies available or just by ignoring may cause the shrinking process to slow down.

You can also read this post on WikiHow website about this subject.

Photo Credit : Armin Kübelbeck

Hemorrhoids can be classified into two types – Internal and External. Internal haemorrhoids lie far enough inside the rectum to be seen or felt. They don’t really hurt that much because there are very few nerve endings to sense the pain. However, External haemorrhoids lie in the anus and are usually painful. Sometimes blood clots in external hermorrhoids causing a condition known as thrombosis which is extremely painful. Although this condition may look frightening, it may not be serious and in most cases resolves itself within a week. Hemorrhoids is very common and almost 40% of the general population is affected by it during sometime in their life.

Hemorrhoids in the true sense are vascular structures that help with stool control in the anal canal. They become diseased when swollen which can occur internally or externally (as explained above) and cause pain if thrombosed. There are a number of factors that can be responsible for this condition, the most common of which is irregular bowel habits including constipation and diarrhea. Other causes include increased intra-abdominal pressure which happens due to prolonged straining and pregnancy. Factors like low fibre diet, lack of exercise and obesity might also be held responsible. In order to prevent thrombosed hemorrhoids, an appropriate amount of fibre and fluid intake is mandatory. Avoiding caffeine and bulk forming laxatives as well.

It is a common misconception that there is only one method of treating thrombosed hemorrhoids and that is surgical. However that is definitely not the case. There are various methods of treating hemorrhoids that are not surgical.

Non-surgical conservative treatment generally includes increasing the amount of fibre in the diet and staying hydrated using oral fluids. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and rest are other ways of conservative treatment. The increase in the fibre intake can be achieved by both, increasing the number of fibre rich food in the diet and taking fibre supplements. Steroid containing agents should be used with care and should not be used more than 2 weeks since they cause thinning of the skin.

Rubber band litigation is a technique in which a rubber band is applied to the base of the haemorrhoid. This causes blood flow to stop and hence causes withering of the hemorrhoid. Within a week the hemorrhoid becomes withered and falls off. However this is a treatment for internal hemorrhoid which is at least 1cm above the dentate line. That is because if the hemorrhoid is too close to the dentate line, intense pain results just after the application of the elastic band. There is a another method of treatment called sclerotherapy in which the hemorrhoid is injected with a sclerosing agent (for eg. Phenol) which causes the vein walls to collapse and hence the hemorrhoid shrivels up.

In cases where simple procedures and conservative management fail, surgical practices need to be used. However surgical excision is done only for severe cases since it runs the risk of bleeding, infections, urinary retention and anal strictures.

It is best to avoid hemorrhoids by having a fibre rich diet, appropriate fluid intake and regular bowel habits. Prevention is always better than cure.

How long do hemorrhoids last?

There are many people in the world, who are suffering from painful hemorrhoids. This condition is very painful because it affects the regular working part of our body. People, who suffer from this disease, they bear too much pain and frustration because of it. In medical language, a hemorrhoid is disease in which blood vessels are inflamed in the anal region of the body. During this disease, patients feel very pain while they go to the toilet. While someone suffers from pain of hemorrhoids, that person wants to know that how long do hemorrhoids last. This question comes in mind because hemorrhoid patients want to get rid of this problem very quickly. Well, here I am offering you complete details on this issue so that you can know the duration of healing this problem.

Hemorrhoids can last for different durations:

Usually hemorrhoid disease is said to be a persistent disease. Once a person is suffered from this disease, he or she can face its severe consequences for a long time. By the way, some patients have got immediate relief from this problem that’s why medical experts have also concerned it as a short time problem. According to my knowledge, the duration of hemorrhoid disease entirely depends on its type, harshness and also on the treatment you are using to cure this problem.

No one can predict about the duration of this disease:

I have seen statements of many doctors and researchers, and I got that no one can predict about the time duration of hemorrhoid disease. Sometimes it becomes necessary to take help of doctors for surgery treatment. People need surgery because hemorrhoids become very dangerous in this stage of the disease. During hemorrhoids, you can face itching, inflammation, and pain. These all problems occur, when the pressure increases over the rectal veins. In such conditions, you need proper treatment of this disease because without treatment patient can face many severe problems.

Factors, which impact treatment:

While you are taking treatment for hemorrhoids, you should be patience and follow whole advices of your doctor because it can become very irritating problem. In some cases, hemorrhoids can be cured easily in two weeks and sometimes it takes time to be cured. If the hemorrhoid is not too big, whether it is external or internal, it can be treated in one week effectively. If the hemorrhoid is too large and it is coming out of the anus, then it will surely take duration of at least two months to be cured. It is a severe condition, and you must discuss it with your doctor.

If you are facing hemorrhoid problem for the first time, then proper treatment can provide you proper relief in a short duration. If you will not take proper action against this problem, then you may face significant issues related to hemorrhoids, and it can take a long time to be cured. So, my advice to you is, if you are facing hemorrhoid disease and you have judged it, then take help of a medical expert and ask for quick curing treatment.

Home remedy for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids occur in our body while pressure increases on blood vessels near anus. It is a very irritating condition in which a person can’t sit properly. Main problem occurs in the form of pain during bowel movement. While a person suffers from hemorrhoids, he can’t sit in the toilet for a long time. Even that person feels too much pain during bowel movement because swollen blood vessels pain is too much as they come in contact with stool. It is a very paining disease, in which people want to get rid of it as soon as possible. Good, doctor’s treatment is very necessary for this disease, but you can also try a home remedy for hemorrhoids. Bellow I am showing you some ways, which can work the best as treatment for hemorrhoids:

1-   Try Water Therapeutically:

If the pain is too much in hemorrhoids and you are also facing itching at infected area, then you should take help of water therapy. It is considered as a primary home remedy for hemorrhoids because it offers quick relief from pain and itching problem. If it is possible for you, then use wet toilet papers over hemorrhoids after bowel movement. Thus, you can clean hemorrhoids quickly after bowel movement without experiencing too much pain. If you have a bathtub in your house, then use warm water in the bathtub and sit for at least 15 minutes in it. It will provide you good relief as your home remedy for hemorrhoids.

2-   Treat hemorrhoids with the help of creams:

You can go to the medical shops and ask for good creams and gel to apply on hemorrhoids. When you are at home, you can use that cream or gel at home. It will truly offer you excellent relief from hemorrhoid problem and also from itching problem.

3-   Start eating more fiber:

Often people face hemorrhoid problems because of low fiber consumption in their diet. While you are suffering from hemorrhoids, you should start taking good amount of fiber in your diet. Fiber helps in reducing swelling of blood vessels and improves blood flow to the lower region of your body. Fiber is the most important need during hemorrhoid problem. Doctors also consider fiber as the best treatment for hemorrhoids. If you don’t want to eat fiber, then simply take the help of fiber supplement. It is also good to complete requirement of fiber in the body.

4-   Take enough amount of water:

Water is the chief need of our body. It regulates our metabolism and also helps in digesting food well. If you will be hydrated all time, then you will not face too much pain in bowel movement. Reason is water providing smooth bowel movement because it helps in digesting food well.

5-   Use toilet properly:

During hemorrhoid problem, you may feel scared to go to the toilet because, during bowel movement, hemorrhoids may pain the most. Well, you should not wait for it because it can become very troubling experience for you while you will stop it.

Follow all mentioned suggestions and use them as home remedies for hemorrhoids, I am sure you will get excellent relief in a short time.